Creating and Editing a Rota

Before creating a rota, you will need to have an event in the Events calendar and a team that you can create the rota for.

To create your rota, click the Teams icon, or select it from the drop down menu, click the team for which you are creating the rota and click Rotas at the top of the page. You will then need to select the event the rota is for, on the left.

First, you will need to assign some roles to the rota by clicking the New Role button, then enter the role title in the text box. Add as many roles as you need for the team. Once you have added all the roles, click the Edit Rota button.

You can add people to a role by clicking the Add Person button under one of the roles, on the relevant date. You will see a list of the people in the team you selected, click the name of the person you want to add to the role. You can then repeat this for the next role, until all the roles are filled, then move on to the next date. If you add a person to more than one role, on the same date, you will see a warning on screen. Similarly, if someone is a member of two teams and has been added to the rota of another team for the same event, on the same date, you will see a warning telling you which team’s rota they have already been added to. If any team members have added holiday for the time you are creating the rota, they will appear at the bottom of the list of names, in red. You will not be able to add the to the rota.

You can also add a note to each event date on the rota, which will be included in the rota notification email that is sent to everyone that is serving. Click the pencil icon in the notes field, to add your note.

If you want to send an email, or text message, to the people serving on a particular day, click the envelope icon, which will take you to the Communication Suite.

If you have sub teams who serve together regularly, you are able to create a set that can be re-used. Add the team members in their roles and then click the disk icon, enter a name for the set and click the Save button. To use the set on another date, click the Choose a set button on the relevant date. You will then see a list of all your sets, click the Use button alongside the set you wish to use and the members of the set will be added to your rota.

Once you have entered all of your rota roles, close the tab to be taken back to Teams page. To view the rota, click the View Rota button.



To view the rotas of all the teams serving for a specific event, click Edit Teams at the top of the Teams page and select the PDF Reports tab. Select the relevant Campus and Event, from the drop down menus, enter the date the event is taking place and click Download. A PDF file wlll be generated showing which teams are serving, and which members have been added to the rota, for that particular event.

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