Create a Team


Create a Team

To create a new team in iKnow, we will need to go to Settings, in the menu, then click Teams.

In the Teams Settings, click the Add New Team button, at the top of the page, enter the name of our new team, and click the Save button. We will see our new team added to the alphabetical list.

If we are a multi-location church, we will need to activate the team in at least one location, which will allow us to add members to, and create rotas for, the team. To activate the team, we need to select the location, from the drop down menu, and click Manage Team. If we are a single location church, we simply need to click Manage Team. Next, tick the checkbox to enable the team, we will then be able to add members to our team.

Add Team Members

To add members to the team, start typing the name of the new team member, into the Search box, and click on their name in the list that appears below it. We can add as many people as we need, to the team.


Once the team members are added, we can give each member permissions, dependent upon what we would like them to be able to do within the team. The person assigned as Team Leader, will usually be given all permissions for the team, but, if we want other team members to be able to Manage the rotas, or to Send Messages, we can give them permissions to do so.

If we give a member of the team permission to Manage Membership, they will be able to add and remove people from the team. They will be able to go to the Teams module, click on the Team, and click the Manage Membership link, in the top bar. They will see a search bar at the top of the list of team members, where they can search for people they wish to add to the team. If they click on any of the existing team members, they will see a red, Remove from Team button, at the top of their profile, which they can click to remove them from the team.

Once we have added our team members and given permissions, we need to click the x, in the top right corner, to close the window. If we need to set up the team for another location, simply select that location, from the Location Selector, and repeat the same process.

Add Team Members from People

We are also able to add people to teams from the People module. Click People, in the menu, then we can search for the person we want to add to a team. Click their name in the list, and click the Edit button. Click the Teams tab. We can then add them to the team and give them permissions, then click the x, to dismiss the page, and go back to People.

If we click Teams, on the left of the People module, we will see our new team. If we click the team name, we will see the members we have added.

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