Settings > Custom Fields



We are able to create Custom Fields, to collect extra information, which can be added to our Categories in Concerns and to our DBS Checks. To create our Custom Fields, we first need to create Sections and we can then add the Fields to the Sections.

When we go to the Custom Fields tab, we will see our Categories that we’ve added to Concerns, and DBS at the bottom of the page.

To add a Section, we will need to click the New Section button in the Category we wish to add the Custom Fields to.

In the window that comes up, we will need to enter the Section Name.

If we want the Section to be available, we’ll need to switch on the Live toggle.

If the Account Safeguarding Leads toggle is switched on, the Section will only be visible to those that have been set as Account Safeguarding Leads, other Safeguarding Users won’t be able to see or update fields in this section.

We can edit the details of a Section by clicking the orange pencil button in the top right of the Section, and we can delete a Section by clicking the red dustbin button. Deleting a Section will also delete any Custom Fields we have added to that Section.


Custom Fields

Once we have added a Section, we are able to add Custom Fields to it, which is the information that we wish to collect.

To add a Custom Field, we’ll need to click the New Custom Field button that can be found on the right of the new Section.

We’ll need to complete the Field Name, which will let people know what information we are looking for.

Next we need to choose a Type, from the dropdown list.

  • Text Field will add a single line text box for people to type into.
  • Text Area gives a larger text box that allows more information to be typed.
  • Select will add a dropdown list that people can select from, we will just need to type the options that we wish to appear, in the New Value box.
  • Radio will add radio buttons that people can select from, they will only be able to select one of the available options. We can add the options by typing them into the New Value box.
  • Checkbox will add tick boxes that can be ticked to show people’s choices, they will be able to tick multiple boxes. Options are, again, added by typing into the New Value box.
  • Date will allow people to select a date from the date picker.

Switching on the Tooltip toggle will allow us to add some extra information to help those filling in the field. A small question mark icon will appear next to the field if Tooltip is switched on.

If we want the field to appear, we will need to switch on the Live toggle. If this is not switched on, nobody will be able to see, or complete, this field.

If the Account Safeguarding Leads toggle is switched on, the Field will only be visible to those that have been set as Account Safeguarding Leads, other Safeguarding Users won’t be able to see or update the Field.

Once we have completed the details, we can click the Save button to save our Custom Field. We can click the New Custom Field button, again, to add further Custom Fields.

Custom Fields can be edited by clicking the orange pencil button to the right of the field, or removed by clicking the red dustbin button.

When editing a field, we won’t be able to change the Type. If we need to change the Type, we’ll need to remove the field and add a new one.

Custom Fields added for Concerns Categories will be visible when viewing or editing Concerns. Custom Fields added for DBS will be visible when viewing or editing DBS checks.

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