Set up My Giving

The My Giving area allows users to log into their own iKnow account and see any Recurring Donations they have set up, see their past donations, see their Payment Methods and make new donations.

Before users are able to access the My Giving area it will need to be activated in the Finance module by a Finance Administrator.

To do this, they will need to go to the Finance module and click Settings at the top of the page. The My Giving tab should be visible on the page.

To activate the My Giving area, switch on the Enable My Giving toggle.

We can change the text that appears at the top of the My Giving area, when users visit it, in the Introduction Text section.

And we can choose whether users will be able to see their historic donations, or not, by switching the Allow people to see their historic donations toggle on or off.

Once we've completed our changes, we'll need to click the Save button for them to take effect.

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