Reading Metrics

Church Summary

When we first access Metrics, we will be taken to the ‘Church Summary’ page which gives an overview of the metrics for our church. 

The five boxes at the top of the page give us data regarding the number of people connected with our church across all our locations.

Church People shows the number of people that are set to Contact Type, Church.

People in Groups shows how many people are members of a group in any of our locations.

People in Teams shows how many people are members of a team in any of our locations.

For both Groups and Teams, if someone is a member of more than one team or group, they will only be counted once.

People @ Church shows the total attendance at our most recent Sunday service in all of our locations, excluding Visitors.  These figures are taken from the Abacus.

Visitors @ Church show the total number of visitors to our most recent Sunday service in all of our locations.  These figures are also taken from the Abacus.

The ‘Our Churches’ table, breaks down the figures in the boxes into our individual locations. 

The three graphs, at the bottom of the page, give us a graphical view of the number of people in our locations, our attendance figures and the breakdown of Nationalities of people in our locations.

Event Metrics

Clicking Event Metrics, at the top of the page, will allow us to closely examine figures for a particular event or service by using the dropdown menus to select a category and an event. 

This will bring up a matrix based on the information which has been gathered through the Abacus module. We will be able to see the total and average figures for the most recent service, as well as over the last month, three months, six months or one year. The matrix is colour coded depending on the category type.

Using the Click for Date Figures box, we can select any recent date to bring up the last twelve weeks’ worth of information for each of those categories.



Clicking Attendance allows us to generate attendance reports for events within a particular week.  By default, we will have access to figures for the most recent Sunday events and for all of our locations.

If we wish to see figures for a specific Location only, we can select the relevant location from the drop down labelled All Campuses.

If we wish to see figures for midweek services, as well as our Sunday services, we need to tick the Include other events from the previous 7 days check box.  If we change any of these options, we will need to click the Generate button to see the new figures.

We can download a PDF report, by clicking the Download PDF button, which can be emailed or printed.

The figures shown in the Attendance report come from the Abacus.



Clicking Journey, at the top of the page, allows us to see the number of Journey Items completed in the previous 6 weeks, as well as a comparison between the current month this year and last year.  We can also see the number of Journey Items completed for the Year to Date this year and the Year to Date, last year.

Below the Recent journey items reached table, we will see the Year on Year changes table, which shows a comparison for the last 5 years.


Clicking the Groups tab shows a three year comparison of the number of people attending Groups.  We will also be able to see Group attendance broken down by age and gender.

If we have multiple locations, we will be able to see Group information for each location, or we can choose to see all locations.

For each location we can see the monthly attendance over the last 3 years.

In the Demographics section, we can see the gender make up of those that are members of a Group, and those that are not members of a Group.

The Age Range section will allow us to see the number of people in different age groups that are, or are not, members of a group.
Finally, clicking Reports allows us to create 5 different reports, 3 PDF reports and 2 CSV reports.

The Groups: Overview report gives attendance figures for all of our Groups from the time we started recording data to the current date.  If we tick the Include Individual’s Info check box, the names of those attending Groups will be included in the report.

The Groups: 3 Month Attendance report will give attendance figures for the 3 months up to the date we select.  We can also choose to specify the Campus, Group Network, or both.

The Event Rota report allows us to see all the rotas for a particular service in a particular campus.  This allows us to see all the people who will be serving at any service for which rotas have been created.

The Home Groups Summary report will allow us to see the attendance at our Home Groups in the week ending on the date we select.  The report will also include the Sunday attendance of Group members, if we are recording that in the Group attendance.

The Home Groups Metrics will allow us to see the attendance at our Groups between the dates we specify.  We can choose to see Members attendance or Visitors attendance.

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