Prayer and Praise

Prayer & Praise

If we have activated Prayer & Praise for our iKnow account, users logging in to iKnow, will see Prayer & Praise in the dropdown, at the top right of the Dashboard.

Add Prayer & Praise

To add a new Prayer, or Praise report, we will need to click the New button, at the top of the page.

We can then click the relevant buttons, to choose what, and how, we want to post.

If we want to post a Prayer, we can click the Prayer button, otherwise we can click the Praise button, to post a Praise report.

Next we can choose whether this will be Public, or if it will go to the Prayer Chain. If we choose Public, the post will appear when someone clicks Prayer & Praise in the dropdown. If we choose Prayer Chain, the post will be sent, by email, to those specified in the Prayer Chain, and won’t be shown in the Prayer & Praise section.

We can then choose whether the post should show our name, or if it should be posted anonymously, by clicking either the Show Name button, or the Anonymous button.

Once we’ve made our choices, we can enter a subject in the Subject box, and the details of our Prayer request, or Praise report, in the Description box, and then click Submit.

My Prayer & Praise

In the My Prayer & Praise section, we will see any Prayers or Praise reports that we have added to the system. Clicking on an item, will allow us to see the full entry, whether we posted anonymously or not, and when it was posted. We will also have the option to remove the entry, by clicking the red dustbin button, at the top right.

Church Prayer & Praise

In the Church Prayer & Praise section, we will be able to see any Prayers, or Praise reports, that have been added to the system, by other iKnow users in our church. As with the My Prayer & Praise section, clicking on an item, will allow us to see the full entry, whether it was posted anonymously or not, and when it was posted.

If it is a Prayer request, we will see an I’m Praying button, at the top right, which we can click, to let people know we are praying with them.

If we are an Administrator on the system, we will also be able to remove items from Church Prayer & Praise, if we need to, by clicking the red dustbin button, at the top right.

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