

In Donors, we are able to see a list of all the people that have made a donation.

The list includes each person’s Giving ID, their name, whether Automatic Gift Aid is switched on, and the amount and date of their last donation.

Filter Donors

We can filter the list, using the options at the top of the page.

If we know a person’s Giving ID, we can enter it, click Search, and find that person.

If we don’t know the Giving ID, we can search by name.

We are able to find people who have given more than a specified amount, or less than a specified amount.

We can find people who have given to a specific Campaign, and we can find people in a certain postcode area, or at a specific postcode.

We are also able to combine any of the filters, so we can search for people who have given more than a certain amount, and that live in a specific postcode area.

Clicking the Refresh button will clear the filters.


We can use the Download button to create a PDF or CSV download of the list of Donor’s. When we click the button, we will have the option to choose which information we want to include in the download.

The Download will be generated, and can then be found, in the Downloads section.

Add and View

We can add a new Donor to the system by clicking the Add Donor button. This is covered in a separate video.

We are also able to view a Donor’s profile, by clicking the eye icon to the right of their details. This is also covered in a separate video.

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