Adding Campaigns


Sometimes donations are for a specific purpose, such as a building fund, or a missions fund. iKnow allows us to track these donations, using Campaigns. Campaigns can be created with a specific target amount, and specific timescale, if needed.

To add a new Campaign in the Finance module, we need to go to Campaigns, and click the Add Campaign button.

Our campaigns need to be attached to a Legal Entity. If we have more than one Legal Entity, we will be able to choose the correct one, from the drop down.

We will then need to give the Campaign a name, which will appear when donations are being added.

We’ll need to add a Campaign Code, which can be anything we like. This won’t be displayed anywhere, it is only used internally.

If there is a specific timescale for our Campaign, we can add a start and end date. These can be left blank, if there is no timescale for the Campaign.

We can add our Campaign to a Campaign Group. If we have already created Campaign Groups, we will be able to choose from the drop down, or we can create new Groups by clicking the plus button. You’ll then just need to give the Group a name, and click the Save button.

We can also assign a Campaign Type to our Campaign. As with the Groups, we can choose from the drop down, if we have already created some Types, or we can add a new one, using the plus button.

If we are aiming to raise a specific amount of money, in this Campaign, we can set a Target, but this can be left blank, if we don’t have a particular amount we are trying to raise.

Finally, if we want to be able to use this Campaign with a Giving Page, we will need to switch the Public toggle on. If we don’t switch the toggle on, we will still be able to assign donations to the Campaign from the Finance module, but the public won’t be able to give directly to it, through our Giving Pages.

Once we have entered all the relevant information, click the Save button to add our Campaign.

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