Add a Donor


We can add a Donor to the system, by going to Donors, and clicking the Add Donor button. Donors can also be added by going to Transactions, clicking Unassigned Transactions, clicking the Add Person button, and clicking the plus button, to the right of Assign To. The process of adding a Donor is the same in both places.

Once we have clicked the Add Donor button, we will see a search bar, at the top of the Add New Donor form. We recommend that Donors are added to the People module first, we can then search for them in the Add New Donor form. Their details will be pulled across, and their People profile will be linked to their Donor profile.

We can add people as a Donor, without adding them to People first, we’ll just need to complete their details without using the search bar.

If we enter the name of the new Donor, into the search bar, we will see a list of matches appear. We can then click the name of the person we wish to add. Anyone who already has a Donor profile, will be greyed out. When we click the name, any details that have been added in their People profile, will be entered automatically for us.

If we have more than one Legal Entity, we will need to select which one is the primary Legal Entity, for this person.

Each person needs a unique Giving ID. If we already use some form of Giving ID, we can continue to use them in iKnow, we’ll just need to enter the ID in the Giving ID field.

If we have selected a person using the search bar, all the address details, and the Date of Birth, will have been filled in, if they were recorded in People. Otherwise, we’ll need to complete, at least, the first line of the address, the postcode, and the country.

We can also indicate whether all donations are eligible for Gift Aid, by switching on the Automatic Gift Aid toggle. If we don’t switch the toggle on, we can still claim Gift Aid on individual transactions.

Once we’ve completed the details, we can click the Save button, and the Donor will be added.

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