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Developer Setup

Once you have requested your Mobile App, using the iKnow Church Mobile App builder, you will need to set up a Developer Account with Apple. This is a new process that came into effect in 2018 following an update to the Apple App store that prevented businesses from submitting apps generated from App Generation Services, such as iKnow Church.  If you want to read about it then visit this Apple website link and see section 4.2.6. 

Apple’s solution to this is for the content creator to create a developer account with Apple.  This guide will take you through these simple steps allowing you to set up an account with Apple and then add iKnow Church as an administrator. Our developers can then submit the Mobile App to your Apple store account.  

If you already have an Apple ID on an iPhone or iPad that is not linked to a Developer Account then you can still use that ID for your Developer Account and skip to step 2.


Step 1: Create your Apple ID

If you do not already have an Apple ID you can create one by following the link here: https://appleid.apple.com/account#!&page=create.

Fill out all the fields on the page and click continue.


Step 2: Two - Factor Authentication

To allow you to sign in to the developer area with your Apple ID, Apple say they require two-factor authentication set up on an apple device, effectively linking your Apple ID to another device to prove your identity. 

If you have an Apple device handy such as an iPhone or  iPad then this can be set up on there. Otherwise Apple have said that they can allow you to bypass this feature if you get in contact with them.


Step 3: D-U-N-S number

To be able to Enrol in the Apple Developer Program for free you must be able to prove that you are a non-profit organisation. To prove the identity of any enrolling organisation as a legal entity and to check their details, Apple use Dun & Bradstreet numbers (D-U-N-S). 

Your organisation may already have a D-U-N-S number and you can discover what this is by filling out the form here: https://developer.apple.com/enroll/duns-lookup/. If your organisation is showing as not having a D-U-N-S number, then the Apple will provide an option to apply for one. This process can take up to 2 weeks and may include you being contacted by Dun & Bradstreet requesting any further information.



Step 4: Enrolling in the Developer Program

Once you have your D-U-N-S number go to https://developer.apple.com/programs/enroll/  and click on the “Start your Enrollment” button at the bottom of the page.




In the Entity Type box, select I develop apps as a Non-Profit Organisation, then continue.




Fill out the form completely on the next page, including your D-U-N-S number and press continue.




If you receive an error at this point saying “Your Organisation could not be verified as a Legal Entity” and the legal organisation your enrolling under is registered as a charity and not a company. You will need to get in contact with Apple by signing in here: https://developer.apple.com/contact/#!/topic/SC1101/subtopic/30006/solution/select. Informing them off the error you are receiving and sending them your charity commission details.



You will then have to wait for Apple to approve your application which will usually take 2 weeks but may be up to a month. Make sure to regularly check your emails or sign back in to developer.apple.com/account to check the status of your review, so that you can contact Apple if any issues come up.


Step 5: Adding our account to your Developer Team

Once your enrolment has been approved, you will need to add our account to your team so that we can upload your fully built app and release it to the App Store. 

To do this go to developer.apple.com/account and navigate to the people section. Then click on “Invite People” and add support@iknowchurch.co.uk as an admin.





Once this is done, navigate to the the App Store Connect page and click “Go to the App Store Connect”.



Then go to Users and Access and click on the add button and fill out our details and support@iknowchurch.co.uk email address and once again add as an admin.



Doing so will notify us and from there we will be able to access your development team and upload your App to be checked by Apple for approval for the App Store.


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