

Finance Administrators


People that have access to the Finance module, are split into two groups, Finance Administrators and Users.

Finance Administrators have full access to the Finance module, and are able to view and make changes, in all areas of the module.

We can add someone as a Finance Administrator in two ways, either through their profile in People, or by adding them to a Role that gives them access to Finance.

To give access through their People profile, we will need to go to People, find the relevant person, and click the Edit button, at the top right of their profile. We’ll then need to click the Apps tab, click Finances, in the list of apps on the left, and click the Grant Admin Access button.

To give access through a Role, we will need to create a new Role, or edit an existing one, and give access to the Finance module. We’ll then need to add the relevant person to that Role. We have a separate video that goes through creating and editing Roles.

People that need limited access to the Finance module, can be added as a User, and be given User Access.

We are able to control User Access to the Finance module, by going to Settings, and clicking the Access tab. We will see our Finance Administrators listed, at the bottom of the page. These are the people that have full access to the Finance module.

Above that, we will see Users that have limited access to Finance.


User Access


To give a new user access to the Finance module, we will need to click the Add User Access button.

In the window that comes up, we will need to use the search bar, to search for the relevant person, in the system. We can search by typing their name, and then selecting them from the list that appears.

We can then decide the level of access we would like to give, by switching the relevant toggles on.

We can set access for 4 of the sections of the Finance module, Donors, Campaigns, Transactions, and Gift Aid.

Anyone who has been given permission to Export, or Download data, will be able to see their own Exports and downloads, in the Downloads section. Only Finance Administrators will have access to the Settings section.

Within each section, we can give Global access, which will allow the User to access all of our Legal Entities, or we can give access to an individual Legal Entity.

If we only select the View option, for any of the sections, the User will be able to see information, but won’t be able to make any changes. We will need to select the View option for each User. If View is not selected, none of the other options will take effect.

In the Donors section, giving permission to Add/Edit, will allow the User to add new Donors, and edit the details of existing Donors. Giving permission for Giving Statements, will allow the User to access the Giving Statements tab, and generate Giving Statements. Giving permission for Export, will allow the User to download a PDF or CSV list of the Donors.

In the Campaigns section, giving permission to Add/Edit, will allow the User to add new Campaigns, and edit or archive existing Campaigns.

In the Transactions section, giving permission to Add/Edit, will allow the User to use the Record Donation and Process Donation buttons, as well as edit existing Transactions.

Giving permission to Import, will allow the User to Import Bank Statements.

Giving permission for Event Finance, will allow the User to record the giving that takes place at events.

Giving permission for Export, will allow the User to export a PDF or CSV list of Transactions.

In the Gift Aid section, giving permission to View, will allow the user to see any Gift Aid Claims in the system, but they won’t be able to add new claims, submit claims or amend claims.

Giving permission to Claim, will allow the user to submit Gift Aid Claims.

Giving permission to Amend, will allow the user to change the date range for claims before they are submitted.

Once we have made our selections, we can click Save, to save our settings for that user.

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